Live Your Life God's Way
It’s our life but we should want to live it the way God wants us to.
Congratulations on taking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, and welcome to the family. With most families, there are guidelines to follow and responsibilities to take care of. That’s how it is with God’s family too and this book explains some of those guidelines and responsibilities.
Ever since the Garden of Eden, God has been giving us instructions on how we should live our lives. Prior to the coming of Jesus, God used individuals such as Moses and the prophets to give His will to the people. After Jesus we were given the Bible for instruction.
How do we get Jesus to really know us? The simple answer is that in this book “Live Your Life God's Way” you will find ways to live a life that’s pleasing to God and Jesus; ways to live a more fulfilling life; ways to set yourself apart as a follower of Christ; and ways to draw closer to God and Jesus. You’ll also find ways to live your life so that Jesus will come to know you and who you are and welcome you into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Some chapter titles include:
Put God and Jesus First; Prayer; Repentance and Forgiveness; Faith;
Volunteering and Service; Love, Relationships, and the Golden Rule;
Live Honestly; Your Body is a Temple and many more.
To read the book online, or to have a PDF copy sent to you, please visit the website To purchase the book go to
About The Author
"I had gone to a church service with some friends and when one of them went forward at the altar call, I did too. I repeated a sinner's prayer, hugged my friend and went home. For six months I never opened a Bible, never went to church and didn't even pray. I didn't do the things I should have been doing and did lots of things I shouldn't have done. But I thought I was 'saved' and was living a 'good Christian life.' I was wrong."
Now, for more than 25 years, John Dallas McCarter has served Jesus Christ in small groups, both as a member and leader; in various local and national ministries and as a church deacon/trustee. With “Live Your Life God's Way” John is following God’s call to tell Christians throughout the world that salvation and living that good Christian life takes more than just repeating a few words at an altar and living the same way as before; it takes a change of heart, it takes becoming a new creation and it takes living life in a different way-God's way.