Live Your Life God's Way
It’s our life but we should want to live it the way God wants us to.
What Christians Believe
We believe in God.
We believe that He is our heavenly father and as a father, that He watches over us and takes care of us. He also provides for our every need, as He knows them to be, not as we want. We believe that God has a plan for our lives and He will lead us along that plan, if we only listen to Him and do what He will tell us to do not what we want to do. We believe that God knows everything and is in control of everything and that nothing happens that He does not allow to happen. While we may not understand why He allows some things to happen, He is God and He knows what He’s doing. We just need to trust Him.
We believe in Jesus.
We believe He is the son of God. We believe He was born to a virgin, lived His life on earth for about 33 to 39 years healing people and performing miracles, was crucified on a cross by people who were jealous of His power, was buried, and was raised from death to return to Heaven. We believe He died so that we can be forgiven of our sins by God.
We believe in Heaven and hell.
We believe that if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, when we die, we will be taken into Heaven to live with God and Jesus for eternity. We believe that if we do not accept Jesus as Lord and Savior we will be sent to hell for eternity when we die.
What We Also Believe
We also believe we should treat others as we would like to be treated. We believe we should give part of our income to organizations, including churches, that work to help others. We believe that we should talk with God and Jesus every day. We should talk with them about what we’re feeling; what we’re thinking; what we have done; what we want to do. We believe we should also ask them what they want us to do. When we have done something we should not have done, we believe we should ask God for forgiveness. When we ask for forgiveness because we are truly sorry for what we’ve done, God will forgive. We believe we should give God and Jesus thanks for all they have done in our lives. We believe we should read our Bibles every day. We believe that if we are able, we should go to church every week. Church is where we learn about God and Jesus and meet others who believe as we do. If not able to attend a weekly church service, we believe you should at least find an online church to attend.
In Addition
We believe in many other ways to live our lives as Christians but those above are the main ones. If you want to learn more, find a church and ask questions. Or you can purchase the book, “Live Your Life God's Way” There is a link on this website with more information.