Live Your Life God's Way

It’s our life but we should want to live it the way God wants us to.


              YOU CAN HAVE HOPE!

Do you ever feel hopeless with nothing to look forward to, and your life has no meaning or purpose? 

God wants you to know that every day your life can have meaning and purpose, and you can have something to look forward to.  You can have hope. 

Regarding hope, there are two kinds of people in this world-those with hope and those without any hope. If you're a good person but you believe that this life is all you have, you'll have one outlook on life. When you die, all you have worked for, all the people you have known, all the good you have done will be left behind. But if you're any type of person, even if you've done some bad things in your life, if you believe there is a life after this one, you'll have a whole different view of your life-one of forgiveness and hope for something better. 

When you believe that this life is all there is you’ll strive to make it as good as possible, maybe no matter the consequences. But if you believe there is life after death, you may strive to have a good life here, but no matter how good or how hard your life has been, you know when you die it will be better. You have hope and living with that hope gives you a more meaningful life. 

So how do you get this hope?  it's simple. Not easy, but simple. To start, you must believe in God and His Son Jesus. I didn't believe in them until I learned who they really are and what they really do. There's not enough room or time to go into everything, but simply put, if you believe in them and follow their teaching, you can be sure you'll have a place in Heaven when you die. Life there for you will then be beautiful and amazing. There will be no more tears, sorrows, scars or hardships. That should give you something to look forward to.  Believing in God and Jesus and following their teachings will certainly give you a more meaningful life and you’ll also

find a purpose for your life.  You will have hope!

Finally, if you find yourself in a season of inactivity like Saul did (He stayed in Tarsus 10 years.), do not despair.  Perhaps you have felt effective for God in the past, but things have changed.  You may feel like it's over and you don't know if God will ever use you again.  Do not worry!  If you know in your heart that you are doing your best in obedience to God, that is all you can do, or need to do.  When the Holy Spirit has other plans for you, He will move you out of your waiting place and get you into the mainstream where He wants to use  you. 

Remember, God knows everything and is in control of everything.  Nothing happens that He does not allow to happen.